1 Result
In Transit
Stock#: ME011631
VIN: 7FARW1H51ME011631

Used 2021 Honda CR-V FWD EX

EX EX 2WD SUV Sport Utility FWD 1-Speed CVT w/OD Intercooled Turbo Regular Unleaded I-4 1.5 L/91
30,197 Miles
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Used Honda Inventory for Smith Auto Group

May not represent actual vehicle. (Options, colors, trim and body style may vary)

While we make every effort to ensure the data listed here is correct, there may be instances where some of the factory rebates, incentives, options or vehicle features may be listed incorrectly as we get data from multiple data sources. PLEASE MAKE SURE to confirm the details of this vehicle (such as what factory rebates you may or may not qualify for) with the dealer to ensure its accuracy. Presented vehicle MPG/MPGe figures are official EPA estimates. These estimates may vary. Dealer cannot be held liable for data that is listed incorrectly.

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